Previous works:
Altar Ego (2022-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on coated MDF plate, 30 x 40 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 51 x 61 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 51 x 61 cm
Zeiggeist (2021-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on coated MDF plate, 80 x 60 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso & acrylics on wood, 93 x 73 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso & acrylics on wood, 93 x 73 cm
Essence (2022-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on coated MDF plate, 40 x 30 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 61 x 51 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 61 x 51 cm

Previous work:
Disghosted (2021-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on MDF plate, 75 x 40 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 89 x 53 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 89 x 53 cm
Next work:
Eyecon (2022-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on coated MDF plate, 30 x 40 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso & acrylics on wood, 51 x 60 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso & acrylics on wood, 51 x 60 cm

Zeiggeist* – Uncovering Time.
At its heart, the Zeiggeist series is about showing the evolution of the work with time. How does each sign influence the ones that follow? The process is the image.
En esencia, la serie "Zeiggeist" trata de mostrar el desarrollo de la obra a lo largo del tiempo. ¿Cómo afecta cada símbolo a los siguientes? El proceso es la imagen.
Im Kern geht es in der Serie „Zeiggeist“ darum, die Entwicklung des Werks im Laufe der Zeit zu zeigen. Wie beeinflusst jedes Zeichen die ihm folgenden? Der Prozess ist das Bild.
The title of this series is a play on the German word “Zeitgeist,” which refers to a way of thinking that is symbolic for a moment in time. “Zeig,” (to show), combined with “Geist,” (ghost/spirit), could be interpreted as the "spirit of showing (time)".
El título de esta serie es un juego de palabras con la palabra alemana "Zeitgeist", que se refiere a una forma de pensar que simboliza un momento en el tiempo. "Zeig" (mostrar), combinado con "Geist" (fantasma/espíritu), podría interpretarse como el "espíritu de mostrar (el tiempo)".