Altar Ego (2022-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on coated MDF plate, 30 x 40 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 51 x 61 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 51 x 61 cm

Zeiggeist (2021-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on coated MDF plate, 80 x 60 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso & acrylics on wood, 93 x 73 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso & acrylics on wood, 93 x 73 cm

Essence (2022-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on coated MDF plate, 40 x 30 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 61 x 51 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 61 x 51 cm

Disghosted (2021-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on MDF plate, 75 x 40 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 89 x 53 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso, sand & acrylics on wood, 89 x 53 cm

Eyecon (2022-2024) – Gesso & acrylics on coated MDF plate, 30 x 40 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso & acrylics on wood, 51 x 60 cm
Handmade frame: Gesso & acrylics on wood, 51 x 60 cm

Zeiggeist* – Unoptimising Time.
At its heart, the Zeiggeist series is about unoptimising the process. How can each new layer create an obstacle for the next, which tools distort the stroke and which techniques shine light on all these irregularities?
As humans today, we sometimes act like machines. We optimise for speed instead of quality, we fight time and outsource even tasks we like – in the name of efficiency we clean up randomness, imperfections and character.
In contrast, these works are made with time. Repetition, layering, false starts, tools that break, or behave unexpectedly – all that is wanted and highlighted – the process is the image.
The title of this series is a play on the German word “Zeitgeist,” which refers to a way of thinking that is symbolic for a moment in time. “Zeig,” (to show), combined with “Geist,” (ghost/spirit), could be interpreted as the "spirit of showing time".