Previous works: Einfallspinsel 5 (2024-2025)
Gesso, acrylics & varnish on wood panel in handmade frame: 94 x 134 x 6 cm
Gesso, acrylics & varnish on wood panel in handmade frame: 94 x 134 x 6 cm
Einfallspinsel 14 (2023-2024)
Gesso, acrylics on sealed carton and wood structure, 43 x 30 x 3 cm
Gesso, acrylics on sealed carton and wood structure, 43 x 30 x 3 cm

Previous work: Einfallspinsel 17 (2024-2025)
Gesso, sand, acrylics & varnish on sealed carton and wood, 98 x 59 x 3 cm
Gesso, sand, acrylics & varnish on sealed carton and wood, 98 x 59 x 3 cm
Next: raw stage of the textures created with handmade tools,
Calligraphic sketches developing new signs with varying writing tools.
Calligraphic sketches developing new signs with varying writing tools.

Previous three works:
Einfallspinsel 1 (2024) – gesso, acrylics & varnish on wood, diameter: 100 cm
Einfallspinsel 11 & 12 (2023-2024) – gesso, sand, acrylics and varnish on wood, 51 cm
Einfallspinsel 1 (2024) – gesso, acrylics & varnish on wood, diameter: 100 cm
Einfallspinsel 11 & 12 (2023-2024) – gesso, sand, acrylics and varnish on wood, 51 cm
Next work:
Einfallspinsel 4 (2024) – gesso, acrylics and varnish on wood, diameter: 100 cm
Einfallspinsel 4 (2024) – gesso, acrylics and varnish on wood, diameter: 100 cm
All circular artworks rotate freely
Einfallspinsel* – New Signs
When does a choreography of gestures become a letter? How much is a new symbol shaped by the writer, the tool, the media and already existing visual languages?
¿Cuándo se convierte una coreografía de gestos en letra? ¿Hasta qué punto un nuevo símbolo es moldeado por el escritor, la herramienta, el medio y lenguajes visuales ya existentes?
Wann wird aus einer Choreografie von Gesten ein Buchstabe? Inwieweit ist jedes neue Symbol geprägt durch die Hand die schreibt, Werkzeug, Medien und vorhergegangene Bildsprachen?
The title of this series is a play on the German word “Einfaltspinsel,” meaning simpleton. By switching just one letter (the T for an L), the meaning of the word changes radically: ”Einfall" (idea) and "Pinsel" (brush) together could be interpreted as a "brush for ideas", which hints at the idea of the writing tool as co-author of the new creation.
El título de esta serie es un juego de palabras con la palabra alemana "Einfaltspinsel", que se refiere a un simplón. Al intercambiar una sola letra (la T por L), el significado de la palabra cambia radicalmente: "Einfall" (idea) y "Pinsel" (pincel) juntos podrían interpretarse como un "pincel para ideas", lo que sugiere la idea de la herramienta de escritura como coautora de la nueva creación.