Ö – No One is an Öland
One-letter words are rare and graphically striking. Ö (Swedish for "island") is at the heart of this series – it plays with the O dieresis, with the concept of islands, isolation and interconnectedness. 
It is said that no one is an island, we are all connected to many others. The same could be said about words — each one exists within the context of time,  other words within a sentence, often in different languages and across cultures. These works are the result of a 10-month process investigating ideas around language and how a single  letter can hint at stories, art history and ideas that emerge from the space between different languages. 
Ceci, c'est un Ö (2023) – gesso, acrylics and varnish on wood, diameter: 50 cm
Ent-Ö (2023) – PU foam, gesso & acrylic spray paint & varnish on wood, diameter 85 cm
No one is an Ö-land (2023) – gesso & acrylic spray paint & varnish on wood, diameter 60 cm
Ö-ver the Rainbow (2023) – PU foam, gesso, acrylic spray paint & varnish on wood, dimensions 48 x 30 cm
Tintensitz I (2023) – gesso, acrylic spray paint & varnish on carton tube seat
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